Sunday, December 5, 2010

Naughty.... naughty...

Once again I found myself shopping around on Etsy and I found the funniest wreath ever. Some may think it's a bit strange, but I happen to love this as it really depicts life in our house. The idea behind this wreath is that no one can be good all of the time and at Christmas, be naughtier than usual. If you can't tell.... the dog figurine is actually lifting his leg on the Christmas tree. Where in the world did the artist find this? 

So fitting as I reflect on this past year and all of the naughty little things our babies have done. For example, I came home from dropping my son off at preschool to find 7 gum balls sprawled on the dining room floor. Our lovely little critters had jumped on a bench and onto our table knocking cupcakes off the stand onto the ground and ate every last one of them leaving only the wrapper and gum balls which were on top. Apparently Frenchies don't care much for gum balls. Thank goodness the cupcakes weren't chocolate. LESSON LEARNED! Although Frenchies aren't known for jumping, they can do pretty much anything for food. 

Just so you know something like that would never happen at Nina's house. She just happens to be the perfect Frenchie mom. She doesn't spend her time messing around on Etsy or blog about it for that matter. I on the other hand have a home of what I like to refer as organized chaos. Dont' dare touch the stacks on my desk as I know exactly where things are!

I really do enjoy taking a break to blog and share bits of our life. I hope you enjoy it as well. Thanks for reading and have a great holiday season!!!